On the occasion of the 250th anniversary of the death of Yaakov Kopel Lukover* Abstract Keywords Yaakov Kopel Likover (ca.1695-1769) a well-known kabbalist, scholar, tavern owner and progenitor of at least three Chassidic dynastic legacies is the progenitor of the Elbaum […]

About David Elbaum
David Elbaum MD, born 1953, attended and did his residency in Dermatology at Stanford Medical School. He has published, in peer-reviewed journals, articles on Endocrinology, Genodermatoses, Organic Chemistry, Dermatology & Infectious Diseases. Currently in full-time private practice, he is collaborating with Dr. Bettina Burger, Head of Research, Dermatology, University Hospital Basel, Switzerland, on patients with Congenital Ichthyosis, who develop fatal skin cancers. He recently co-authored “Suppressor of Fused Mutation(SUFU) in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Gorlin Syndrome” in JAAD. He is the son of Holocaust survivors from Lublin, Poland, co-founders of "Holocaust Memorial Center", America's first free-standing memorial to the Shoah.