With the help of Y-DNA analysis, fortuitous acquaintanceship with an extraordinary researcher and the use of some relatively unknown sources, I have traced my Obermayer family history unequivocally to 1655 and, with less certainty, even earlier than that — a […]

About Arthur Obermayer
Arthur Obermayer (PhD, MIT, Chemistry) headed a science-based company for more than 25 years. His Obermayer Foundation has given Obermayer German Jewish History Awards annually to five non-Jewish Germans since 2000. Dr, Obermayer initiated the Creglingen (Germany) Jewish Museum; and received Germany’s Bundesverdienstkreuz honor. He has been a board member of the American Jewish Historical Society since 1969 and JewishGen (1998-99), and Webmaster of the German Jewish SIG (1998-present).