Our mission is stimulate multidisicplinary studies into the origins and migrations of Jewish populations worldwide.
Email: AvotaynuOnline@gmail.com
Publisher: Avotaynu Research Partnership LLC. All contributions to the Avotaynu Research Partnership and its projects are tax deductible to the full extent permitted under applicable State and Federal tax laws. Please contact us for details.
We have many sponsorship opportunities for people and organizations wishing to support our efforts to promote Jewish genealogy and family history. Please contact us for further information.
For Authors
The objective of Avotaynu Online is to publish the best original thinking on subjects petaining to the origins and migrations of the Jewish people.
We have a rigorous peer-review and editing process in which we check manuscripts for accuracy, novelty, and importance.
Each article we publish benefits from many hours of work by editors and web producers, and if necessary, subject matter experts, all of whom work together to insure that each article meets our standards.
We continually strive to keep our reputation for providing accurate reporting of research and best practices in Jewish genealogy.
Unsolicited manuscripts are welcome if sent via email in MS Word format to AvotaynuOnline@gmail.com.
Please include with your submission
- your current contact information including cellphone number
- biography
- proposed digital media files in .tif or .jpg format. with greater than 300 dpi resolution
By submitting your work, you are warranting:
- that the work itself is entirely of your own creation,
- that the ideas of others are properly attributed, and
- that you have obtained necessary permission to use all media in our publication.
We reserve the right to approve or disapprove any submission in our sole discretion.