Like the Jewish community in Cairo, the community in Alexandria increased from few thousand members at the end of the 19th century to a vibrant body of around 40,000 members at its peak in 1948.Many factors contributed to this fast growth among them a wave of refugees from the Russian Empire at the turn of the century, the Ottoman law imposing recruitment to the army, the expulsion of Entente subjects from Palestine during WW1 and Egypt’s blooming economic opportunities. The collapse of the Ottoman Empire at WW1 created another wave of Jews who found their way to Egypt mainly from Turkey and Greece and there was also constant immigration from the Maghreb. The community maintained many social, educational and cultural institutions and was blessed with a strong leadership. But the community diminished into few thousands between 1948-1967 mainly due to the Egyptian-Israeli wars which resulted in hurried departures and expulsions, in many cases leaving almost everything behind, including vital records such as birth, marriage and death certificates. Those vital records are inaccessible for the time being and any attempt to compose a list of surnames of families which lived there becomes a challenge. This dire situation is not unique to Alexandria as it was seen in previous indexes of Cairo, Damascus and Baghdad composed by this author.[1] However, in the case of Alexandria we were lucky in having access to three useful sources created/composed by previous residents of the city as will be detailed below.
Here is a short explanation about the sources used in composing the index:
a. The “Historical Hebrew Press” [2] website which has the scans of all the Jewish newspapers published in the last two centuries. The 4 Egyptian Jewish weeklies which appeared in the 1920s-1940s (all of the in French) are: “Israel”, “La Tribune Juive”, “La Voix Juive” and “L’Aurore”. These weeklies covered extensively the Jewish communal life but focused mainly on the Jewish schools and published detailed lists of donors to various organizations and institutions and constitute a major source for surnames harvesting. Alas, many Jewish children attended non-Jewish schools so their surnames are beyond their scope. It also goes as far as families which did not donate or were not involved in communal life. The exception is “La Tribune Juive” which was published in Alexandria and printed on a weekly basis the details about marriages, births and deaths in the community. But all this is valid for the duration two decades (the 1920s-1930s) only. Anything which happened before or after is not there.
b. Four Egyptian Directories of 1908,1913, 1925 and 1941.[3]
A useful source but they cover only owners of businesses and free professions. Any family which did not belong to these categories is not there. It goes without saying that those directories have to be read carefully line after line to pick up the Jewish sounding surnames.
c. Facebook Groups of Egyptian Jews.[4]
The quickest and most effective tool to close gaps and fill lacunae is the new research method nicknamed “crowd sourcing” i.e., the Social Media. There are several active FB groups of Egyptian Jews all over the world where the language of communication is English, Hebrew, French, Portuguese (the diaspora in Sao Paolo, Brazil) and Arabic. The members are mainly Jews who spent their childhood there or their children and grandchildren who are interested in their history and rich heritage. One should remember that only about half (there are no exact figures) of the Jews of Egypt immigrated to Israel so their surnames are not to be found there. Thus, one has to spread the net worldwide.
d. Les Fleurs de L’Orient.[5] This richly documented website which is dedicated to the Farhi family history has also a genealogy section with thousands of surnames and has also an advanced search option by birth and death place.
e. The Circumcisions Register of Maatuk Dabby.[6]
Maatuk Dabby lived in Alexandria between 1929-1951 and performed more than 3,300 circumcisions. The register details the name of the father, the maiden name of the mother and the name of her father. Although he was not the only Mohel in the city, he left behind him a mine of vital data. He performed circumcisions also outside Alexandria but the residence of the parents is not mentioned so it constitutes a hurdle to establish whether a surname is an Alexandrian one. Due to privacy concerns it is not available on the web. The Nebidaniel.org contains also a list of Rabbinical marriage permits for the 1934-1935 year with the details of the bridegrooms, brides and the witnesses. This is an important list but it covers only one year.
f. Amicale Alexandrie Hier et Aujourd’hui(AAHA).[7]
This is an organization of previous school students in Alexandria living abroad many of them Jewish who studied in non-Jewish schools. Their vast collection includes a lot of class photos with most of the pupils on them identified by given name and surname. This collection helps picking up surnames which are not mentioned in the Jewish press but it also includes many photos of classes in the Jewish schools. The data in this source covers the period between mid 1920 s -beginning of the 1960s.
g. The Flickr Photos Collection of the late Celia Male-Cohen (1937-2017).[8]
Constructed in 2006 by Celia Male-Cohen who attended the English Girls College in the city since 1942 it contains plenty photos of her class mates, many of them Jewish. Most of them are annotated with remarks and full names. This collection has also plenty of photos with her family’s European history. Celia Male was a member of AAHA and some of her photos are included also on their website.
h. GeneaFrance Egyptian Death Data Base.[9]
This is very interesting feature of the French Genealogy Portal listing people who were born in Egypt and died in France. It details the birth date, the city of birth in Egypt and the date and place of death in France. It contains Jewish surnames which somehow are not included or do not figure in any of the previous sources. Their main advantage is indicating the place of birth in Egypt.
This is the place to mention that there is a vast volume of books and memoires by Jews who lived in Alexandria, some of which gained literary acclaim worldwide. However, they are mainly nostalgic and literary but provide little genealogical data.
All those sources yielded so far 1,693 surnames. This is by no means a complete list and more will be added or deleted after remarks, corrections and additions will be received from the public at large.
Many of the surnames have more than one spelling so searching for a certain surname may require closer scrutiny.
[1] https://avotaynuonline.com/2020/12/index-of-jewish-surnames-of-20th-century-cairo/
[2] https://www.nli.org.il/en/discover/newspapers/jpress
[3] https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k3068542s/f1.item (1925)
http://bdd.cealex.org/ressources-documentaires/lvr.php#alexmoderne (1913,1941)
[4] https://www.facebook.com/groups/1528403684101271 (Hebrew)
https://www.facebook.com/groups/1621246008089174 (Jews Remembering Egypt)
https://www.facebook.com/groups/176948023247 (Les enfants des juifs d’ Alexandrie et d’ Egypte)
https://www.facebook.com/groups/696709837127562 (juif d’egypte)
https://www.facebook.com/groups/EgyptianJewish (Jews of Egypt)
https://www.facebook.com/exegypt (The Heritage of Jews in Egypt)
https://www.facebook.com/hrrtynfrt (Zaradel Alexandria)
[5] https://www.farhi.org/genealogy/index.html
[6] http://www.nebidaniel.org/documents.php?lang=en
Click to access mariages1934.pdf
[8] https://www.flickr.com/photos/cam37/albums/page1?fbclid=IwAR1fzOBc2CLxshWnEQ-pYQKFwLCBVha03xUetxWneZzTh781pJW_MS7GNMM
[9] https://geneafrance.com/?v=EGYPTE&i=99301#
Index of Jewish Surnames in 20th Century Alexandria (updated December 2022)
Abadi |
Abastado |
Abbo |
Abdela/ Abdella |
Abergil |
Abikasis/ Abecassis/ Abeasis |
Abikzir/ Abihzir |
Abnaim/ Avnaim/Avenaim |
Abner |
Aboaf |
Abou Choucha |
Abou Dara |
Abou Teboul /Abouteboul/Abutboul |
Abouchedan |
Abouchedid |
Aboud |
Aboudi |
Abouhanna |
Abouharun/ Abouharoun |
Abouhidana |
Aboulafia |
Abouskela |
Abraham |
Abram |
Abramoff |
Abramovitch |
Abras |
Abravanel |
Abrevaya |
Abu Hamra |
Abu Hneik/Abou Hneik |
Abu Janah |
Abu Zeid |
Abuchala |
Aburwaya |
Abusidan |
Acco |
Aciman/Aziman/Agiman |
Acker |
Acobas |
Acochevili |
Acosta |
Adach |
Adda |
Ades |
Adler |
Adlivankine |
Adout/Addout |
Aelion |
Affif |
Affolo |
Afriat |
Aga Mizrahi |
Agami |
Aghion |
Agius |
Aguib |
Aharonovitch |
Airut |
Akerib |
Aknin |
Akouka |
Akshoti |
Alalouf |
Alazraki |
Albagli |
Albahairi |
Albahari |
Albala |
Albehari |
Albeldas |
Albina? |
Albo |
Albuheiri |
Alcalay/Alkallay |
Aleini |
Alexander |
Alexandroff |
Algazy/i |
Algranati |
Alhadeff/Hadeff |
Alhelou |
Alkabes |
Allouche |
Almagia |
Alouf/Allouf |
Alphandary/Alfandary |
Altaras |
Altit |
Alvo |
Amado |
Amar/Ammar |
Amara |
Amariglio |
Ambar |
Ambron |
Amhi |
Amiel |
Amiga |
Amir |
Amram |
Amran |
Amsili |
Amzalak |
Anaf |
Ancona |
Angel |
Ankari |
Anouchinsky |
Antaki |
Antebi |
Anter |
Anzarut/Anzarouth |
Apelbaum-Vais |
Apotowsky/Apotovsky |
Aramati |
Arav |
Arbib |
Archi |
Arditi/Arditti |
Argi/y |
Argil |
Arguetti/Aroughetti/Arughetti |
Arias |
Ariew/Ariev |
Aripol |
Aron |
Aronovitch |
Arouas/Arwas |
Aroussi |
Ascer |
Ascher |
Aschinasi |
Ashberg |
Assa |
Assael |
Assaraf |
Assay/ias |
Asseo |
Asses |
Assour |
Assous |
Asuline/Assouline |
Atias/Attias |
Attal |
Attar |
Attas |
Attia/Attie/Attieh |
Atz |
Avayou |
Avdala/Havdala/Avdalla |
Avigdor |
Avrouskine |
Ayoub |
Azar |
Azicri |
Azizullah |
Azoubel |
Azouelos |
Azoulai/Azzulai |
Azzouz |
Babai |
Babani |
Babayoff |
Babecoff/Babekoff/Bebekok |
Baber |
Babila/Babbila |
Backman/Bachman |
Badadschivili |
Baghdadi |
Bagiaio |
Bahloul |
Bahri |
Bajayo |
Balassiano |
Balestra |
Ballas |
Balzer |
Bambadgi |
Banin |
Bannout |
Banoun |
Barad |
Baralia |
Baranes |
Barani |
Barazani |
Barbouth |
Barcilon |
Barda |
Bardavid/Bar David |
Barioti |
Barki |
Barnatan/Barnathan |
Barnes |
Barocas |
Barouch/Baruch/Baroukh |
Barroda |
Barsano |
Barsimantob |
Baruchel |
Barzilai |
Bassat |
Basson |
Bassous |
Bassous |
Battia |
Battini/Battino |
Battist/Batiste/Battiste |
Bauer |
Bayda |
Bazes |
Bedoussa /Bedossa |
Beer |
Behar |
Beharlia |
Behrend |
Beinish |
Beja/Bega |
Belahowsky |
Belaisch/Bellaiche |
Belilos |
Belinko |
Bellahon |
Belleli |
Bem |
Ben Asher/Benacher |
Ben Chouchan |
Ben- Nathan |
Ben Tabou |
Ben Tob |
Ben Zimra |
Benachi |
Benadereth |
Benador |
Benaim/Bennaim |
Benamon |
Benaroyo |
Benattar/Ben-Attar |
Benbanaste |
Benbassat |
Ben-Dahan |
Benderli/ Benderly |
Bendetovitch |
Benezra |
Benforado |
Benghiat |
Bengioya/Bendjouya |
Benia/Binia |
Beniacar |
Beniada/Benyada |
Beniche/Benish |
Benin |
Benjamin/Benhamin |
Benkiki(Banquy) |
Benlasin |
Benloulou |
Benmayor/Ben Mayor |
Benno |
Benoun |
Benpechat |
Benrubi |
Bensi |
Bensiloum/Bensilum |
Bensoussan |
Bentata |
Bentob |
Bentovine |
Benveniste |
Benyair |
Benzakai |
Benzaken/Benzakein |
Benzimra/Benzemra |
Benzonana |
Beraha/Beraka |
Bercowitz/Bercovitch |
Berdechevski/Berdischevsky |
Berechith |
Beresse/Beressi/Berissi |
Berla |
Bernard |
Berrebi/Berreby/Berrebbi |
Berro |
Besso |
Beteich/Btesh/Betech |
Betito |
Bettelheim |
Bialobos |
Bianchi |
Bibace/Bibas/Bivas |
Bigiavi |
Bilboul |
Bimsenstein |
Binder |
Binia |
Binno |
Biriotti |
Bitchai |
Bitran |
Bitti/y |
Bitton |
Bizaoui |
Blattner |
Bloc |
Bloch |
Blomental |
Boccara |
Bochi |
Bogdadi |
Boghdadli/Bougdadli |
Bokey (Buqei) |
Bonan |
Bondi |
Bonfil |
Boniel |
Bonnard |
Borach |
Bordes |
Borgel |
Borghi |
Boroda |
Borsutzky |
Boshi/Boschi/Bochi |
Bossidane/Bossidan |
Botton |
Bouana |
Boubli |
Bouskela/Abouskela |
Bouzaglo |
Braha/Bracha/Brakha |
Braiman |
Brandler |
Brante |
Braun |
Braunstein |
Breitel |
Bresigher |
Briskin |
Bronstein |
Broudo/Brouda |
Brown |
Brull |
Buchsbaum |
Buenavida |
Buenos |
Bukszpan |
Burnstein |
Busenad |
Busso |
Cabelli |
Cabouli/Kabouli |
Cadranel |
Caim |
Cajo |
Calantari |
Calderon |
Caleff/Calef |
Calomiti |
Calvo |
Camerini |
Camhi |
Campos |
Canetti |
Cantoni |
Capelouto/Kapelouto |
Capon |
Capoya |
Cappari/Kappari |
Capsouto |
Capua |
Carasso |
Cardoso |
Carola/Carolla |
Carsenty/Karsenty |
Caspi |
Cassar |
Cassin |
Cassorla |
Cassouto/Cassuto |
Cassula |
Castro |
Catarivas/Katarivas |
Cattan |
Cattaoui |
Cattegno |
Catz |
Catzeff |
Cava |
Cavaliero |
Caya/Caia |
Cayo |
Cazes/Cazis |
Cesana |
Chababo |
Chabbat |
Chabetai |
Chachoue |
Chaffran/Chafran |
Chahowah |
Chaki/Chaqui |
Chakron/Chacroun/Chacron |
Chalabi |
Chalam |
Chalhon |
Challem |
Challit |
Chalom |
Chama |
Chamache |
Chamay/Shamay |
Chami |
Chamla |
Chamoul |
Chantob/Chamtob |
Chaoul |
Chapatov/Chapatow |
Charbit/Cherbit/Sciarbit |
Chattah |
Chaves |
Chehata |
Chehebar/Chebar/Cheheibar |
Chehovah |
Chemaya |
Chemoul |
Chemoula |
Chemtob/Chentob |
Cherez |
Chetrit |
Chevili |
Chilton |
Chimoul |
Chinchilachvili/Chimchilachivili |
Chlouche/Chelouche |
Choeke |
Chomed |
Chomer |
Chonchol |
Chor |
Choua |
Chouchan |
Choueca |
Choueri |
Chouhami |
Chouicha |
Choukroun |
Choulal |
Chourik |
Chubb |
Ciaves |
Cicurel |
Ciotar |
Ciprut |
Coen |
Cohen |
Cohen Doumani |
Cohen Guindi |
Cohen Sett |
Cohenca |
Cohen-Toussieh |
Cohn |
Colonimos |
Coneliano/Conegliano |
Confino |
Constantini |
Coral (Almog) |
Corcos |
Cori |
Coriatt |
Corine |
Costi |
Cougno/Counio |
Craemer |
Cremisi |
Crespin/Crerspine/Crispin |
Croudo/Crudo |
Curiel |
Cuzzer |
Cytrin |
Daadouche |
Dabbah/Dabah |
Dabbi/Dabby |
Daffa |
Dagmi |
Dahan |
Dahan-Pavelski |
Dahdi |
Dal Medico |
Dalva |
Dana |
Dancer |
Daniel |
Danino |
Danon |
Dassa |
Datelbaum |
Davidoff/Davidov |
Davidovitch |
Davidson |
Davla |
Dayan |
de Botton/Botton |
de Castro |
de Leon |
de Medina |
de Paz/de Pas |
de Picciotto |
de Porto |
de Semo |
de Vidas |
Debache |
Debbas |
Defese |
del Bourgo |
Delaroca |
d’Elia |
Della Riccia |
Dello Strologo |
Delmar/Del Mar |
Demaio/Demayo |
Dente |
Dentes |
Depas |
Derei |
Desberg/Dessberg |
Deutsch |
Diamante |
Dicker |
Dinard/Dinar |
Dinatchi |
Diwani/Divani |
Donati |
Dorra |
Douek/Dueck |
Douenias |
Dowek/Dwek |
Dunski |
Duviard |
Dvoupoli |
Ebbo |
Eddi |
Edrei |
Eguemi |
Eini |
Eisenberg |
Eisenstadt |
Elalouf |
Elbass |
Elbaz |
Elberg |
Elezam |
Elfassi |
Elhadef |
Elia |
Eliahou |
Eliakime/Eliakim |
Eliashar |
Elicha |
Eliezer |
Elimeleh/Elimelek |
El-Kami |
Elkayem/El Kaiem |
Ellenhorn |
Ellezam/Elazam/Lazam |
Ellul |
Elnecave |
Eloul |
Eman |
Eminente |
Engel |
Ephraim |
Ephrati/y |
Epstein |
Erlanger |
Errera |
Escovitch |
Eshaya |
Eshaya |
Eskandarani |
Eskenasi/ Eskenazi |
Espiedra |
Ezban |
Ezekiel |
Ezra |
Ezran |
Ezri |
Ezzani |
Fadda |
Fadloun |
Faeber |
Falca |
Falcon |
Farah |
Farfara |
Fargeon |
Farhi |
Farouz |
Fasfous |
Fassi |
Fayes/z |
Feder |
Federman |
Fedida |
Feigenbaum |
Feinberg |
Feiner |
Feingold |
Feinstein |
Fejer |
Feldman |
Ferares/Ferrares |
Fermon |
Ferro |
Fesso |
Figgioto |
Filosof/Pilosof |
Filus |
Finkelstein |
Finzi |
Fis/s |
Fischer/Fisher |
Fish |
Fitoussi |
Flachs |
Flak |
Flighelman |
Foa/Fua |
Fooks |
Forti/Forte |
Fosfos/Fousfous |
Foulde |
Fraggy |
Francis |
Franco |
Frankel |
Freimann |
Freundlich |
Friedmann/Friedman |
Frohlich |
Furst |
Gaan |
Gabbay/Gabbai/Gabai |
Gabriel |
Gailani |
Galanti/Galenti |
Galetti ???? |
Galimidi |
Galinski |
Gallichi |
Gallico |
Gallo |
Gamil |
Gamili |
Gammal |
Ganbourg |
Gandour/Gandur |
Gandus |
Gani |
Ganon |
Gantcharevitch |
Gaon |
Garazi |
Garboua |
Garpatch |
Gartner? |
Gattegno |
Gdalia/Guedalia |
Geisenberger |
Geiserberg |
Gelardin |
Geler/Geller |
Gerberbaum |
Gerchman |
Gerchon/Guerchon |
Gershman |
Gesua |
Ghebali |
Gherabli/Guerabli |
Ghighi |
Gholam/Golam |
Ghozlan |
Giller |
Giuli/Giulli |
Glaser/Glazer |
Glatkof |
Glickman |
Gluckman |
Goar |
Gobernik |
Gohar |
Golberg |
Goldembaum/Goldenbaum |
Goldenberg/Goldemberg/Golemberg |
Goldenblum |
Goldenstein |
Goldman |
Goldstein |
Goradesky |
Gorelik |
Gormezano |
Gornstein |
Gottlieb |
Goubernick |
Gourevitch |
Graciano/Grassiano |
Graff |
Green |
Greenberg |
Greenfeld |
Grego |
Grimberg |
Grinberg |
Gross |
Grossman |
Grouchkine/Gruchkin |
Gruber |
Grunberg/Gruemberg |
Guchlani /Guehlani |
Guened |
Guerchman |
Guetta |
Guibelli |
Guigui |
Guili |
Guindes |
Guindi |
Guini |
Guiriani |
Gurfinkel |
Guth |
Gutstein |
Guttman |
Hababou |
Habba |
Habbaz |
Haber |
Habert |
Habib |
Hacco |
Haccoun/Hakoun |
Haddad |
Hadges/Hadjes |
Hadida |
Hafkin |
Haggar |
Haiat |
Haim |
Haimov |
Haimson |
Hakim |
Halawani/Helawani |
Halberstadt |
Halewa |
Halfon |
Halifax |
Halifi |
Hallouche |
Halpern/Hailpern/Heilpern |
Hamaoui/Hamawi |
Hamburger |
Hami/Hemy |
Hammou |
Hananel |
Hannaux |
Hanoca/ Hanoka |
Hara |
Harari |
Harbon |
Haroda |
Haron |
Harouche |
Harounoff |
Hartman |
Hasda |
Hassan |
Hassid |
Hassin/Hassine |
Hassoun/Hasson |
Hatuel |
Hatwell |
Havdala |
Hawel/Hawell |
Hayat/Khayat |
Hayon |
Hazak |
Hazan |
Hazi |
Hebi |
Hechtman |
Hefetz |
Heffes |
Hellewa |
Helman/Hellman |
Helou |
Helpman |
Hemmo |
Hemsi |
Herif |
Herman/Hermann |
Herscovitch |
Hertzmann |
Herzenstein |
Herzer |
Herzog |
Heskiel/Hezkiel |
Hettena |
Hidana |
Hindi |
Hirsch/Hirsh |
Hirscovitch |
Hoba |
Hodara |
Hoderoff |
Hoffberg |
Hoffmann |
Horaif |
Horn |
Hornstein |
Horowitz/Horovitz |
Hotimsky |
Hotter |
Houfman |
Houll/iHouly/Hoully |
Houllou |
Hourvitz/Hourwitz |
Houta |
Hozeir |
Huenenberg |
Huldchinsky/Huldschinsky |
Huldchinsky/Huldschinsky |
Huri |
Hurvitz |
Iachia |
Ichah/Ichakh/Ichak |
Ichbia/Ishbia |
Ichkinazi |
Idelovitch |
Idelson |
Idy |
Imach |
Ini/Eini Levy |
Ioakim |
Isaac |
Isaacs |
Isachia |
Isacovitchi/lsacovici |
Isai |
Iscaki |
Iscandarani |
Iscandari |
Iscovitch |
Ishai |
Iskinazi |
Ismalun |
Israel |
Issaeff |
Issai |
Itonin |
Itzcovitch |
Jabes/Yabes/Yahbes |
Jablonski |
Jackman |
Jacob |
Jacover/Yacover |
Jaffe |
James |
Jehan |
Jehlan |
Jessula |
Joel |
Josephthal |
Josue |
Kachi |
Kadoche |
Kahn |
Kaim |
Kaizermann |
Kalkstein |
Kamhi |
Kaminski/y |
Kanah |
Kanel |
Kaneti |
Kaniovsky/Kaniewsky/Kanievsky |
Kantzer |
Kaplan |
Kaplun |
Karam |
Karmann |
Karradi |
Kass |
Kassine |
Kassous |
Kassovitch/Kasovitch/Kazovitch |
Katz |
Kempner? |
Kenzel |
Keroub/Kroub/Krub |
Kestin |
Khadour |
Khaski |
Khayat |
Kheir ? |
Khnafo |
Khodara |
Kibrit |
Kirn-Aglione |
Kiss |
Kissous |
Klat |
Kleiner |
Klinger |
Klip |
Kofmann |
Kohen |
Kohn |
Koma |
Komar |
Konen |
Kornfeld |
Korsunski |
Koslovsky/Kozlovsky |
Kouperman |
Kraiem |
Krakauer (Cracovier) |
Krasnovsky/Kraznovsky |
Krause |
Krell |
Kremer |
Krieger |
Kroitor |
Kruger |
Kurlansky |
Kurz |
Kyrtzmann |
Labi |
Lacreif |
Lahovetzki/Lahavetzky/Liakhovetsky/Liakhovitsky |
Lahowitz |
Lakah H |
Lalouche/Lallouche |
Lambez |
Landau |
Landkutch |
Lando |
Laniado |
Larboni |
Laredo |
Latis |
Lauer |
Lazam/Lazame/Lazzam |
Lazarovici |
Lazofsky |
Leader |
Lebovitch |
Lebzig/Lobzig |
Lechner |
Lefvovitch/Levkovitch/Lifkovitch |
Leghrabli |
Lehiani/e |
Leibovich/Leibovitch/Leibovitz |
Lelou |
Leon |
Leonard |
Leoncini |
Lereah |
Lerman |
Lessing |
Levaton |
Leventhal |
Levi |
Levi-Smaga |
Levite |
Levy |
Lewensohn |
Lewin/Levin |
Lewontine |
Liakhovetsky |
Lichtenstein |
Lichtenthal |
Lider |
Lidvan |
Lieber |
Liebermann |
Liepman/n |
Linder |
Linderman |
Lintinsky/Littinsky |
Lipkin |
Lipmann |
Lipner |
Lipshin |
Lisbona |
Lisbonne/Lizbonne |
Lizmi |
Lobelson |
Lobert |
Loebel |
Loeffler |
Loeve |
Loria |
Lotati |
Loubacky/Loubatsky |
Lougachi |
Loulou |
Louly |
Louza |
Lowe |
Lubinsky |
Luborsky |
Lumbroso |
Lusena |
Luzzato/Luzzatto |
Maarabi |
Maatouk |
Machich |
Madjar |
Magar/Maggar |
Maggiar |
Mahlouf/Makhloof/Makhlouf |
Mainzer |
Maissi |
Maizel |
Maleh |
Malka |
Malki |
Malloul |
Maman/Mamanne |
Mamo |
Mandel |
Mandelbaum |
Mandelovitch |
Mandil |
Mani |
Maniche |
Mann |
Manofla |
Mansano |
Mansour |
Manssachi |
Maravent |
Marca |
Marcos |
Marcovich/Marcovitch |
Marenovitch |
Margolin/e |
Margolis |
Margosches |
Marini |
Markowitz |
Marmelstein |
Mars |
Masliah/Mazliah |
Masri |
Matouk |
Mattalon/Matalon |
Mattatia |
Maurer |
Mawas |
Mayer |
Mazaltov |
Mazloum |
Mazza |
Mechoulam/Messulam/Mechoullam |
Medina |
Mehoudar |
Mehrez/Mechrez |
Meimoun |
Meir |
Meirat |
Melamed |
Melitinsky/Mellitinsky/Meletinsky |
Melloul/Meloul |
Meltz |
Memran |
Menahem |
Menasce/Menasche |
Mendel |
Mendelovitch |
Mendoza |
Menir/Mennir |
Mercinier |
Mergler |
Meschers |
Messaca/Messeca/Messeka/Messaca |
Messikua/Mesiqua |
Metzger |
Meyohas |
Mezouman |
Miara |
Michaan |
Michaelson |
Michalovitch/Mihalovitch |
Michavetsky |
Midani |
Mieli |
Mifano |
Miloslavsky |
Minerbo |
Minovitch |
Mioni |
Mires |
Misan |
Misrahi |
Mitchnik |
Mitti |
Mizrahi |
Moche |
Modai |
Modiano |
Moghrabi/Mogroby |
Mohebi |
Moise |
Moissis |
Molkho/Molko |
Molly/Moully |
Monchein |
Montant |
Morad |
Mordo |
Moreno |
Morgenstern |
Mori |
Morpurgo |
Mortera |
Moscato |
Mosconas |
Mosseri |
Motola/Mottola |
Moully |
Mousalli/Moussalli |
Moussatchi |
Moustacchi/Mustaki |
Mouzokas |
Moyal |
Muchanteff ? |
Muhlmann |
Mussachi |
Nacamuli |
Nacawa |
Nacmias/Nahmias |
Nacson |
Nada |
Nadel |
Nadler |
Naftali/Naphtali |
Naggar |
Naggiar |
Naginski |
Nahaisi/Nahaissi |
Nahmad/Nehmad |
Nahman |
Nahmoka |
Nahon |
Nahum |
Naiberg |
Naim |
Namer |
Nanich |
Nassi |
Natelman |
Nathan |
Nathanson |
Navarro |
Nawas |
Nawawi |
Nefussi |
Negrin/e |
Nemni |
Nessim |
Nester |
Neuman/Neumann |
Nini |
Nino |
Noah |
Noemi |
Norsa |
Nosseri |
Ohanna |
Ojalvo |
Oltchik |
Omessi |
Oppenheim |
Oppenheimer |
Orfali |
Orlovetsky |
Osmo |
Ottolenghi |
Ouizman |
Ouriel |
Ouzer |
Ovadia |
Padoa |
Padova |
Paggi |
Palacci |
Paladini |
Palagi |
Palermo |
Palia/Pallia |
Palmer |
Palombo |
Papo/Pappo |
Papolla |
Papouchado |
Papoular |
Pardo |
Parigory |
Paschkes/Pashkes |
Pasmantier |
Passi/y |
Pavelski |
Pegna |
Pelembert/Pelimbert |
Peluso-Vivante |
Penias |
Penso |
Pepe |
Peppo |
Peretz |
Perez |
Perlman |
Perlmuter/Perlmutter |
Perpignan |
Pessah/Peissach |
Pesso |
Petitot |
Piade |
Piha |
Pilpel |
Pinto |
Piperno |
Platzkowsky |
Plesch |
Polacco |
Polani |
Polinger |
Politi |
Politis |
Pollac/Pollak |
Polnauer |
Polne |
Polney |
Pontremoli |
Portos |
Portugheis |
Pouletta |
Poyastro |
Prato |
Prince |
Printz |
Rabin/Rabbin |
Rabinerson |
Rabino |
Rabinovitch |
Racah/Raccah |
Rado |
Rageouan |
Rahmani |
Rawas |
Rayna |
Razvinofsky/Razinovsky |
Rees |
Reinhart |
Restatcher |
Reznick |
Ribacoff |
Ricanati |
Riches |
Rieti/Rietti |
Riquez |
Riso-Levi |
Rizzolo |
Robas/Robes |
Robino |
Roche |
Roditi |
Rodosli |
Rodriguez |
Rofe |
Rokach |
Rokovsky |
Rolo |
Romano |
Romy/Roumi/y |
Root |
Rosanes |
Rosemberg |
Rosenberg |
Rosenbloom |
Rosenblum |
Rosencrantz |
Rosenfeld |
Rosenthal |
Rosenzweig |
Rosio |
Rossabi/Rassabi |
Rossano |
Rothemberg/Rothenberg |
Rothschild |
Rouah |
Roubin/Rubin |
Rouchau |
Roucho |
Rouchou/Rouchov |
Rouemi |
Rousseau |
Rousso |
Rouvio |
Ruben |
Ruchimovitch |
Rudmann |
Saada |
Saadi |
Saadia |
Sabbah |
Sabban |
Sabbath |
Sabea |
Sabethai |
Sabino |
Saccal/Sakal |
Sacha |
Sachs |
Sades |
Sadras |
Saffan |
Safra |
Safran |
Sagha |
Saidenberg |
Saig/Saieg |
Salama |
Salant |
Saldinger |
Saleh |
Salem |
Salerno |
Salfati |
Salinas |
Salis/Sallis |
Salmona |
Salomon |
Salonichio |
Salonikios |
Saltiel |
Salto |
Salvago |
Salvator |
Samama |
Samuel |
Samuelson |
Sananes |
Sander |
Sanua |
Saphir |
Saporta |
Sarano |
Sardas/Sarda |
Sarfati |
Sarocky/Saroky |
Sarom |
Sasson |
Saul |
Savatovsky |
Sayegh |
Sbaniou |
Sbilia/Sebilia |
Scaba |
Scandarani/Skandrani |
Scemama |
Schaffermann/Shafferman |
Schalit/Schallit |
Schalom |
Schechter |
Schein |
Scheinin |
Schemeil |
Schemool/Schmool/Schmoul |
Scherzer |
Schinasi/Schinazi |
Schlesinger |
Schlick |
Schlimovitz |
Schlossberg |
Schmidt |
Schnazi |
Schneider |
Schneidermann |
Schock |
Schoenman/Scoenmann |
Scholberg |
Schoner |
Schonwald/Schoenwald |
Schor |
Schouchanna |
Schouicha |
Schourik |
Schreim |
Schucht |
Schwab |
Schwarz |
Schwarzbard |
Schweitzer |
Scialom |
Sciama |
Sciuto |
Sclosuch ? |
Scotschinsky |
Scrett |
Seaton |
Sebee |
Seboni/Sibeoni/Siboni |
Sebton |
Sedaka/Seddaka |
Sedbon |
Segal |
Segdan |
Seidenberg |
Seidman/n |
Selebi |
Selek |
Selous |
Semah |
Semo |
Semos |
Seniada |
Sepiachuili |
Septon |
Serour/Sourour |
Seroussi |
Servadio |
Setton |
Sevi/Sevy |
Sformes |
Sforno |
Shabbat/Chabbat |
Shalam/Shallam |
Shama |
Shamaa |
Shamama |
Shamun |
Shashoua |
Shawa |
Shentob |
Sheri |
Shinazi |
Shochana |
Shoener |
Shohet |
Shourih |
Shrem |
Shual/Shoual |
Sicouri |
Sid |
Sidi |
Silber |
Silberman |
Silberschatz |
Silberstein |
Siles |
Silver |
Silvera |
Simha |
Simhon |
Simkin |
Simmen |
Sinai |
Sinegalia/Sinigaglia |
Singer |
Sion |
Sisso |
Sivita |
Skenderani |
Skinazi |
Skotchinsky |
Slassi |
Slatscovsky |
Smaga |
Small |
Smith |
Smouha |
Sofan |
Soffer |
Solal/Sulal |
Sonego |
Sonsino/Soncino |
Soprano |
Soria |
Soriano |
Soskino |
Souaya |
Souccar/Soccar |
Souccari |
Souchman |
Soueda/e |
Souhami |
Soullam |
Souroujon |
Sousino |
Soussan |
Soussi |
Soustiel |
Souva/Suva |
Specktroff/Spectorof |
Spector |
Spiegel/Spigel |
Spilberg |
Stambouli |
Staraselsky |
Stark |
Stavrach |
Stein |
Stella |
Stern |
Stiasni |
Stiassny |
Strassberg |
Stratti/Strotti |
Strigo |
Strologo |
Strougo |
Stroumza |
Suares |
Subotnik |
Sucherman |
Sullam |
Supino |
Sura |
Svider/Swider |
Tabbah/Tabah/Tabbach/Tabbakh |
Taboh |
Tagliacozzo |
Takoumi/Tacoumi |
Tammam/Tamam |
Tamsches |
Tanami |
Tananichivili |
Tanarev |
Tanka |
Taraboulos |
Taragan |
Taragano |
Tarika |
Tarnero |
Tarrab |
Tartacovsky |
Tawil |
Tazartes |
Tchaves |
Tchiprout |
Techouba |
Tedeschi |
Teherani |
Tenenbaum |
Teram |
Terni |
Tiboul/Teboul |
Tilche |
Tivoli |
Tobiano/Tobiana |
Tokatli/Tocatli |
Toledano |
Toledo |
Toriel |
Totah |
Tourgeman |
Toussia Cohen |
Treschansky/Trechansky |
Treveza |
Tuberman |
Tubi |
Tuby |
Tueta/Toueta/Tuetta/Tuati |
Turner |
Tversky/Twersky |
Uchay |
Urwand |
Vaena/Vahena |
Vainer |
Vais |
Vaknine |
Valensin |
Valentine |
Valenzia |
Varon |
Venezia |
Ventura |
Verdnickof/Verdnikoff/Verdnikof |
Versano |
Vida |
Vital |
Vitali |
Viterbo |
Vittorio |
Vivante |
Volovitch |
Wache |
Wadiche/Wadish |
Wahabe |
Wahba |
Wahiche |
Waich/Waiche |
Waknine |
Wakrat |
Walberg |
Walter |
Wannounou |
Watouri |
Wechsler/Wexler |
Wegman |
Weinberg |
Weinblatt |
Weiner |
Weingarten |
Weinstein |
Weiss |
Weissbach/Weissbah |
Weissmann |
Weisz |
Wellhoff |
Weltch |
Wistenetzky/i |
Witri |
Wolinsky |
Wolowitz |
Wulkman |
Yaccar |
Yacoel/Yakoel |
Yacoutiel |
Yaffe |
Yahbes |
Yahiel/Yehiel |
Yaiche |
Yalouz |
Yamini |
Yampolski |
Yanni |
Yayon |
Yechoua |
Yechouroun |
Yedid |
Yedlin |
Yehia |
Yehiel |
Yeloz/Yelloz |
Yemini |
Yen |
Yeni |
Yeruchalmi/Yerouchalmi |
Yessula |
Yetgar ? |
Yohai |
Yohana/Yokana |
Yohananof |
Yona |
Yoresh |
Zaccai |
Zaccar |
Zacroisky |
Zaga/Zagha |
Zagdun |
Zagouri |
Zaid |
Zaidenberg |
Zaidner/Zeidner |
Zalma |
Zaloscer |
Zamberg |
Zamero |
Zami |
Zamorani |
Zandberg |
Zara |
Zaraya |
Zarmati |
Zarrad |
Zayan |
Zeitler |
Zeitoun |
Zeitouneh |
Zeitouni |
Zeliviansky Geneafrance |
Zelnick |
Zeltzer |
Zeroual/Zerwal |
Ziegler |
Zimmerman |
Zimnavoda |
Zlottin/Zlotine/Zlotin |
Zoller |
Zukar |
Zukermann/Zuckerman |
Zysblatt/Zyssblatt |