The Intergenerational Gathering of Sighet-Maramorish Descendants will take place in Sighet, Romania May 14-18, 2015. This event is co-sponsored by the Sighet-Maramorish Municipality under Mayor Ovidiu Nemes and the local Jewish Community.
Some of the many exciting features of the program are:
- Tours of the area,
- Sabbath observance in Sighet,
- Memorial Service at the Train Station,
- Commemoration ceremony at the Sighet –Jewish Monument,
- Visit to Rabbi Drimer’s House at the Village Garden,
- Musical concerts
- Symposium on Historical and Genealogy topics.
Here is a PARTIAL listing of events:
For further information please contact Peninah Zilberman For those of you conversant in Hebrew or familiar with Google Translate, a Hebrew-language web site describing the event can be found at:
You are also welcome to join our Facebook group “The Sighet Generations“, which was created to locate as many children and grandchildren of Jews who lived in Sighet pre May 22-25, 1944 when the Jewish community of the town was deported to Auschwitz…. Survivors are welcome שלום לכולם, זה עתה פתחתי דף כאן בשם “דורות סיגט” – דף זה עבור הילדים והנכדים של בני משפחה שהתגוררו בסיגט לפני 22-25 מאי, 1944, כאשר גורשה כל הקהילה היהודית לאושוויץ … יש תוכניות לקבוצה זו ….אשמח מאד אם תפיצו-תודה Grupul ” SIGHET GENERATIONS ” ( GENERAȚII SIGHET ) este creat pentru a permite tuturor evreilor originari din orașul Sighet din România și a familiilor, posibilitatea de a se cunoaște din nou și a avea un loc unde să se poată scrie amintiri din tot ce sa petrecut în Sighet în perioada 22- 25 mai 1944 când majoritatea Comunității evreiești a fost deportată la Auschwitz . Supraviețuitorii holocaustului sunt bineveniti…
My mother was a survivor.
i lived right around the corner from this synagogue
My mother’s family came to America from Mamamoresh Sighet.
This was during the great depression.My grandparents were
Harry & Frieda Pollack,their siblings were my mother Ella,
her sisters Doris,Clara & my uncles Joseph,Leo & Anton.
My grandfather Harry had a wholesale meat business(both
kosher & treif).
My theory is if Elie Weisel had left Sighet at the same time my family left for America he would probably become a butcher like my uncles or a furrier. In other words just another Jewish tradesman.
My father’s family were fro Satu Mare and came to America
about the same time, His mother Nettie, my father Arthur
his father died about 1916 and I never knew his name.
My mother yanka indig was from sighet. Her parents were Shlomo and Rochel indig
My mother was born in Maramorish ‘Sight, and survived Auswitchz. My mother’s name was Esther Mendelson. Is there any family that may have known her family. Her father’s name was Shlomo. It was a large family.
My mother was born in Maramorish, Sighet and survived Auschwitz.
Her name is Miril Kahan (Mimi Kahan Weingarten) born 1929, now living in NYC.
Her parents were Zeev Wolf Kahan and Feige Kahan.
Her sister Lily survived (Lily/Louise Kahan Farkas) and is still living.
The other siblings perished.