At the IAJGS conference in Los Angeles, July 2010, Professor Benjamin Nathans presented a report on the archives of the former Soviet Union. As part of his talk, Professor Nathans distributed the following list of sources. His book, Beyond the Pale: The Jewish Encounter with Late Imperial Russia, is reviewed in this issue of AVOTAYNU.
Comprehensive Online Guides to Archives in Russia
- ArcheoBiblioBas, (in English)
- Arkhivy Rossii, (in Russian)
Russian Archive Series
- Jeffrey Burds and S.V. Mironenko, Collections of the State Archive of the Russian Federation on the History of the RSFSR (Moscow, 1994).
- William Chase, Jeffrey Burds, S.V. Prasolova, A.K. Sokolov, and E.A. Tiurina, eds., The Russian State Archive of the Economy: A Guide, 2 vols. (Moscow, 1994). 2 vols.
- Gregory L. Freeze and S.V. Mironenko, eds., Collections of the State Archive of the Russian Federation on the History of Russia from the 19th to the Beginning of the 20th Centuries (Moscow, 1994).
- Gregory L. Freeze and S.V. Mironenko, eds., Inventory of the Collections of the State Archive of the Russian Federation (Moscow, 1997)
- J. Arch Getty and V.P. Kozlov, eds., Russian Center for the Storage and Study of Documents of Contemporary History: A Short Guide. Funds and Collections of the Central Party Archive (Moscow, 1993).
- Benjamin Nathans, ed., Genrykh M. Deich, compiler, A Research Guide to Materials on the History of Russian Jewry (19th and early 20th centuries) in Selected Archives of the Former Soviet Union (Moscow, 1994). (Includes a list of archival collections of personal papers of prominent Russian/Soviet Jews)(Out of print.)
- Project Judaica (jointly sponsored by YIVO, Jewish Theological Seminary, and Russian State University for the Humanities)
- Aleksandr Ivanov, ed., Dokumenty po istorii i kulture evreev v arkhivakh Sankt-Peterburga: putevoditel’ (Jewish documentary sources in St. Petersburg archives: A guide), vols. 1 and 2 forthcoming in 2010; vol. 3 forthcoming in 2011.
- M.S. Kupovetskii, E.M. Savitskii, and Marek Web, eds., Dokumenty po istorii i kul’ture evreev v arkhivakh Belarusi: putevoditel’ (Jewish documentary sources in Belarus archives: A guide) (Moscow, 2003).
- M.S. Kupovetskii, E.V. Starostin, and Marek Web, eds., Dokumenty po istorii i kulture evreev v arkhivakh Moskvy: putevoditel’ (Jewish documentary sources in Moscow archives: A guide) (Moscow, 1997).
- E.I. Melamed and, M.S. Kupovetskii, eds., Dokumenty po istorii i kul’ture evreev v arkhivakh Kieva: putevoditel’ (Jewish documentary sources in Kiev archives: A guide) (Kiev, 2006).
- Efim Melamed, ed., Jewish documentary sources in the Archives of the Volyn and Kiev Gubernias, covering archives in Zhitomir, Berdichev, Lutsk, Rovna and Cherkasy, 2009.
Other Guides to Collections in the Former Soviet Union
- I.O. Garkusha, O.I. Nezhdanova, M.R. Ryzhenkov, and A.D. Stepanskii, eds., Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi voenno-istoricheskii arkhiv: Putevoditel’ (Russian State Military-Historical Archive: A guide), 4 vols. (Moscow, 2006–2009) (also on-line via ArcheoBiblioBase).
- Viktoriia Khiterer, ed., Dokumenty sobrannye evreskoi istoriko-arkheograficheskoi komissiei (Documents collected by the Jewish Historical-Archeological Commission) (Kiev/Jerusalem, 1999).
- Viktoriia Khiterer, ed., Dokumenty po evreiskoi istorii XVI-XX vekov v Kievskikh arkhivakh (Documents on Jewish history from the 16th to the 20th centuries in Kiev archives) (Kiev/Jerusalem, 2001).
- Aleksander Kronik and Sallyann Amdur Sack, Some Archival Sources for Ukrainian-Jewish Genealogy (Teaneck, NJ; Avotaynu, 1997).
- V.N. Kuzelenkov, M.S. Kupovetskii, and David E. Fishman, eds., Dokumenty po istorii i kul’ture evreev v trofeinykh kollektsiiakh Rossiiskogo gosudarstvennogo voennogo arkhiva: putevoditel’ (Jewish documentary sources in trophy collections of the Russian State Military Archive: A guide) (Moscow, 2005). Revised, English-language edition forthcoming in 2010 with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
- Harold Rhode and Sallyann Amdur Sack, Jewish Vital Records, Revision Lists and Other Jewish Holdings in the Lithuanian Archives (Bergenfield, NJ: Avotaynu, 1996).
- Miriam Weiner, Jewish Roots in Poland: Pages from the Past and Archival Inventories (Secaucus, NJ, 1997).
- Miriam Weiner, Jewish Roots in Ukraine and Moldova: Pages from the Past and Archival Inventories (Secaucus, NJ, 1999).
Guides to Collections Located Outside the Former Soviet Union but Derived Largely from There
- Fruma Mohrer and Marek Web, eds., Guide to the YIVO Archives (Armonk, NY, 1998).
- Hanna Volovici, Witold Medykowski, H.adassah Assouline, and B.enyamin Lukin, eds., Polish Sources at the Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People (Bergenfield, NJ: Avotaynu, 2004).
Recent Reference Works of Note
- G. G. Branover, ed., Rossiiskaia evreiskaia entsiklopediia (Russian Jewish Encyclopedia), 9 vols. (Moscow, 1994–2009).
- Gerson Hundert, ed., YIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe, 2 vols. (New Haven, CT, 2008) (online edition available starting in June 2010 on the YIVO website